Serve Teams

Find out how you can volunteer at My Church Winnipeg
We are always looking for new people to get involved in volunteering at the Alpha Course. Whether that’s leading a table discussion, prayer, or food and drink, there is a role for you at Alpha!
The café is a part of My Church Winnipeg, offering a gathering place before and after our Sunday Service. Proceeds go to our Global and Local partners.
Knitting, cooking, delivering meals are a part of what this amazing team does. If you are passionate about being the practical hands and feet of Jesus then this ministry may be for you...
Our city welcomes people from across the world and we provide conversational English as Additional Language groups that you can be a part of.
Our Guest Services team makes people feel welcomed and seen the moment they step foot inside the church. These people include our Ushers, Greeters, and Guest Services.
Do you love preparing meals and showing hospitality? Have a heart for ministry? We’re always looking for new team members willing to help prepare meals or serve food!
Our Kids Ministry volunteers work with the next generation where they use  use the gifts God has given you to make a lasting impact.
The Media & Creative volunteers help create, shape and communicate our heart and atmosphere. There are plenty of opportunities.
Prayer drives My Church Winnipeg. We have a team of people who are ready to intercede as needs arise within our church community.
Our visitation team provides care and comfort to individuals who may not be able to attend church (Shut-ins) and those sick in hospital.
The worship ministry department helps to facilitate  an atmosphere for others to encounter Jesus through music.
Volunteers help facilitate ministry to our young adults (18-29) to build community and learn more about Jesus and His presence.
Volunteers help lead and grow our vibrant youth ministries that are focused on seeing teenagers experience the power and presence of Jesus.